For a very long time, fresh flowers have been seen as a thing of beauty, love, appreciation and a thoughtful gift to give to anyone, be it romance, apology, to let someone know you are thinking of them. Fresh flowers are also used for home decoration and for all kinds of events.
Recently, in Nigeria we see people with fresh flowers almost everywhere, especially on social media where we see people buying flowers, receiving flowers, sending flowers e.t.c, this was not how it was many years back because for some reasons, we Nigerians believed flowers were for the westerners, while some only see them in movies or say they prefer other gifts to flowers But those days are gone.
Fresh flowers are now widely appreciated among Nigerians for the beauty, the thought towards it, the feeling it brings, the memories and also the proven benefits of flowers around us.
We recently spoke to 5 women in Nigeria on why they love flowers and the responses were amazing which led us to ask men how they feel about receiving flowers and if they would like it and why. This is how they replied.
Yes of course, I would like to be given flowers to because I also want to feel what makes all these girls shout aww when they get flowers.(laughing)
Every time a girl gets flowers, she’s genuinely happy and it’s so beautiful to see. We men deserve such happiness too.
Late last year, a close female friend of mine at work received flowers at the office, they were yellow roses with a box of cupcakes
Before the flowers arrived , she was telling me how mad she was at her husband because of what he did the night before and he had been trying to apologize.
So when the flowers came, she went from being moody to happy and immediately called her husband to resolve the issues. And I was like “so flowers are this powerful.”
So, yes i would like to be given flowers to because i want to experience the power of flowers
Definitely, I would like to be given flowers, why not
You see, Flowers are my thing and I know few people might see it as strange for a guy to like flowers, but I do.
I love flowers because it warms the heart and that means the sender is thinking about you in a way that only flowers can express.
I got to experience the joy of flowers from a very young age. Whenever my dad got flowers for my mum, I saw how happy it made her feel.
On my 20th birthday, my mum got me a bouquet of roses mixed with lilies and a million star and a bottle of wine. Roses and Lilies then became my favorite flowers, I remember how that made me feel.
From then on, the love of fresh flowers and plants started coming to me.
Now, I will proudly say I am a plant dad (smiling) and I love having fresh liles in my parlor.
The smell from the lilies helps me relax after the long busy day at work and we all know how Lagos traffic can be.
I think we need to start educating men in general to loosen up, they should allow themselves to be loved and be shown love in all ways possible and that things like flowers does not make one gay or less masculine.
Everyone including men should at least receive flowers even once in their life because most people get their flowers when they are dead during their funeral, mostly men.
According to a songwriter Godw3in on his song NOW, he said that all the love and flowers you have to give me, give it to me now that I am alive to feel and see them and appreciate them. Not when i’m dead
So please let me receive all my flowers now that i’m alive to smell and feel them
Yes we know flowers are beautiful and they are a thoughtful gift to give to someone but for me as a guy, I wouldn’t know what to do with the flowers. Because of this I will say no.
Flowers are expensive and I don’t like to waste something expensive or misuse it. Had it been I know what to do with flowers I wouldn’t have minded getting flowers as a gift. I just hate to waste things, especially expensive ones.
I am only saying no because I wouldn’t know what to do with the flowers when I get them or how to care for them and things like that, but I will really appreciate the gesture.
With all of my heart, (laughing),
Flowers are different from what we usually get and that will be something I will have in my memory till I die because that’s next level love right there.
I love to be spoiled with love too.(smiling).
We’ve been made to believe by society that flowers are for ladies only. I don’t think that should be so.
For example, when a man and a woman die, people carry flowers to their graves, but when they are alive, just the lady is allowed to get flowers by the society. That is isnt right.
Why is it acceptable to give flowers to someone that is not alive to appreciate them, but it’s the reverse when the person is alive. It doesn’t make any sense to me.
I do get flowers for all my girlfriends, my mum and sisters every occasion and I dare not miss sending them flowers if not i would be in a serious trouble
I see how that makes them feel, I love it, I love making them feel cherished and loved . They do deserve it actually, But what about me,
I also want to experience the joy and happiness of receiving flowers too. I want to feel loved and pampered too
Being a man in lagos with all those toxic masculinity can be so stressful and we want to feel loved and cherished without asking
So , I’d love to be given flowers too because life na 1 and I want to enjoy it to the fullest way possible
Now over to you guys, let us know in the comment section if you would love to be given flowers and why.
Waiting excitedly to see those comments.